Private Label
The Private Label Department
The family bakery is proud of it’s Private Label Department, where we end in view
many things but first: IT ‘S YOUR’S! Our widerange opportunities gives a lot of solutions
to find the best quality, design, weights or packaging systems. Our team just expecting
to help you in any case to create a new private label product for your upside imagination.
Cocoa, lemon and vanilla
flavoured wafers
in DIABETIC also |
Chocolate covered wafers |
Cheese, spicy and garlic
flavoured round wafers |
Round wafer semi-covered
in dark cocoa (Chocoin) |
Cocoa hazelnut and vanilla
cream filled wafesrs (UFO) |
Ziegler Ltd.
• Hungary, 2072 Zsámbék, Ady Endre u. 2/a.
• Tel./Fax: +36 23 565 400
• e-mail:
info@zieglerwafer.com •
www.biowafer.com |